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Tallow Queen

Beauty Balm

Beauty Balm

Regular price $28.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $28.00 USD
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Beauty Balm is an incredibly gorgeous smelling balm used for moisturizing the face, hydrating irritated skin and rashes. Made with a Tallow base and Beautiful smelling essential oils that target over all skin health this balm is really going to be your new obsession!!  

Tallow has been use for centuries, long before nut and seed oils. Tallow was used as a fat source for many things including baking, skin care and soap making. From the Egyptian empire to the Roman empire and throughout the middle ages, and into the great depression, this has been a stable in many households and was often used in beauty routines. 

Tallow is a readily available skin food that the skin craves, and loves. Loaded with vitamins, minerals, and fats that your body use to help maintain young, vibrant and healthy looking skin. 

A little goes a long way when it comes to this balm, so a jar last an incredibly long time, and because it is so readily absorbed by the skin it doesn't leave a greasy look or feel. 

Lavender, Frankincense and  Geranium are known for their incredible ability to help skin maintain its glow and help reduce imperfections. 

Get ready to fall in love with your new favorite skin food. 


Ingredients: Grass fed Beef Tallow, Organic food grade Beeswax, Essential oils of Lavender, Frankincense and Geranium.

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